Use Colours Effectively When Designing A Corporate Office

January 4, 2021

Gone are the days when corporate offices were synonymous with drab colour schemes, cubicle offices, and fake plants. Today, having taken a few leaves out of the books of Silicon Valley tech companies, corporate offices across the globe are swapping out the drab for a younger, fresher look. Baresque is here with tips on how to best leverage the power of colours in your corporate design process.

All out, or touches of colour?

Some corporate clients are going to be more adventurous than others – so sussing out the amount of colour they’re happy to use early in the design process is key. Where some may be thrilled by bold feature walls and out-of-the-box thinking, others may want to simply ‘jazz up’ their existing colour pallet. Once you know what they’re after you’ll more easily know how to make it happen.

Walls, floors, and ceilings

Gone are the days when wall and ceiling decorations meant paint or wallpapers. Today, interior designers can choose between a range of stunning solutions. From wall cladding to fabrics, Seraphic digital prints to stunning wallcoverings – all available in a range of bold and beautiful colours. You can even opt for vivid acoustic panels for walls and ceilings that not only look stunning, but also do wonders for an often-noisy corporate office.

Add colour through the furniture

This is a great way to add temporary bursts of colour to an office. Whether your client prefers minimalism over maximalism, or they want to ease into the use of colour, furnishing the office with some well-placed, bold-coloured armchairs, couches and pillows can go a long way in enlivening the office. With fabrics available across textures and colours, you’ll be sure to find what you’re after.

Use the company colours

A benefit of working with corporate clients is that they’ve often got an established colour palette. What better way to strengthen the corporate branding than using the company’s own colours when furbishing the office? Not only does this afford a powerful first impression when investors, clients, and future employees step through your doors, but it is also likely to make employees feel more closely connected with the company’s identity.

Don’t forget the plants!

Not only are plants good for wellbeing and air quality, they’re also a much-loved burst of colour. Not only are modern offices more colourful, they’re also more alive – so to stay current ensure you make plants a part of your design process for a result that’ll thrill your clients.

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