Color as a catalyst – Creating spaces that speak

The power of color

Color has the power to transform. It can alter the spaces we inhabit, shift our perceptions, and ultimately change our lives. As Jada Schumacher, a renowned Color Specialist with whom we recently collaborated on our new color collection, explains “Color has immense power in our world. It can make your office feel dreary or inspiring. It can convey narratives and lead to life-changing discoveries. It can be pragmatic for survival, wayfinding, and creating a sense of place. Color can be a game-changer.”

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, we crave deeper connections – to each other and the natural world around us. This desire is reflected in the way we approach design, especially the colors we choose for our homes, offices, and public spaces.

Colors for the interiors of tomorrow

Top design trends are shifting away from cold or overwhelming colors towards those that evoke warmth, community, and, above all, a return to nature. These include the warm neutrality of linens and stone, the deep and ever changing emotive tones of the sky, and the comforting tones of nature’s flora. Focusing on timeless beauty and emotional resonance, these connected colors promise to endure, reflecting our core human desire for connection and fostering a sense of well-being in the spaces we inhabit.

The colors in our new portfolio have been developed not only to last - supporting the sustainability and the longevity of the Zintra palette - but importantly, to evoke a necessary sense of comfort. This bridges the gap between the digital world and a more grounded, human experience. Jada believes it's about creating "immersive spaces that conjure up a connection to somewhere else".

We were excited to unveil our new collection of 6 compassionate colors at this year's NeoCon, held in Chicago from June 10-12.

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